Tantze Knut

Knut Kintscher, aka, „Tantze Knut“ was born in 1986, in Hannover, Germany, but is based in Hamburg since 2009. Being drummer and co-founder in 2001. of the nationwide-known instrumental postrock band Hermelin, Tantze Knut is proud to look back upon several releases and numerous live-acts. In his opinion there are interesting parallels between electronic music and instrumental postrock music. Hermelin’s leitmotiv has always been transporting energy and devotion, far away from classical song structures, and this is what you find as well in latest Tantze Knut productions.
His electronic output so far include a stunning jazz-house remix for Hannover-based band Noetics (Delayed Back Remixed EP), and- recently signed to quality label Debuger- his first solo-EP (Put your hands up and smile EP). Tantze Knut stands for a variety of techno and house music.