[DEB111] Reqterdrumer - Flore
Submitted by admin on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:14New track by our old friend Reqterdrumer, Kuvera B did the remix. Enjoy!
New track by our old friend Reqterdrumer, Kuvera B did the remix. Enjoy!
Two big anniversaries here, 10 years of Debuger label, and 100 releases! Here is a selection of some of our best tracks so far. Enjoy!
Our old friend Reqterdrumer is back. Together with MOKS they created two beautiful tracks. I just had to remix one of them.
Best Of Debuger second edition, the best tracks that went trough Debuger in the last few years. Enjoy
Dasero is back. This time with two deep tracks, each with a unique sound. Two great remixes are in, Noone Costelo with a tech-house dance floor bomb, and Reqterdrumer with a more Detroit sound.
New one from Reqterdrumer. As usual it is hard to put his tracks in a specific genre. Lycoris is melodic, synth based and well layered. DJ GrujA made two remixes, one is straight up techno with a very funky bassline and energetic brakes, while the other one goes into the territory of breakbeat and electronica, with a pulsating bassline. Three very different approaches to the same theme.
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